Tuesday 25 December 2012

GREAT Experience with Munir's Family

Yati Andriyani, my IELTS class mate in Pare. She is 32 years old. Maybe I should call her ‘teteh’ but ‘bunda’ has attached on her. So, I call her Bunda Yati.

She works at Kontras (NGO) in Jakarta as Head of Division Impunity, Watch, and Fullfiling Victim’s Rights Division. She handles many disappeared and victims of violence cases.

Last Friday, bunda invited me to visit her friend in Batu City. Wow, I met Munir’s wife, Mrs. Suciwati Munir. She lives with 2 their children, Mas Alif and Diva. Actually, I feel so lucky because I didn’t assume before but I believe that it’s not fit, Allah has planned for me. Bunda and me spent the night in their house. Yes, I’m Lucky!

Mrs.Suci treated us for creambathing in Saloon. I never go to saloon since I was in Pare. Yay, finally we could feel our hair better. Haha. After that, we ate Arief’s Malang Meatball which is popular in Malang. And we went to Batu Town Square. It was really great town square that I ever visited. There are so many facilities such as free wifi, playground, city light, traditional culinary, and so on.

I saw another side from Munir’s family. They are so kind, humble, and warm.
“It is my great experience” I said.
Yes, of course. I’ve canceled to find Bromo trip for this weekend and got another trip which is better and so peaceful.

On Sunday, we went to Cak Munir cemetery with Mrs.Suci, Diva, and Bunda. I looked Mrs.Suci and Diva, they were so proud of their “Abah”. Mrs.Suci told that she always remember 5 things of her lovely husband: HONEST, BRAVE, SIMPLE, CARE, and HUMORIST. She also told us that she doesn’t like to called ‘widow’, she is prouder of called ‘Munir’s wife’.

I don’t see sad shape of Mrs.Suci. She just told humor stories and made us laugh. She’s very taugh, looks always haha hihi and didn’t show her glooming. I love the day when I was there with them. I believe that Allah has a bigger and better plans for you, Mrs.Suci. I love you and your family.

Bunda, thank for inviting me to visit love house in Batu. I will always remember that moment. #MenolakLupa

Happy mother's day! Diva gave a gift to her lovely mom. ^.^ 

 I pray for you, cak! :)

Culinary at Batu Town Square 

With Mas Alif and Diva. They are unique and smart! 

Mrs.Suci and Bunda, I was lucky to meet you.. Love you both! :*

Wednesday 19 December 2012


Basicly, I do love traveling. When I was in Junior high school, I have gone from Sukabumi to Jakarta by myself. I always roam Jakarta city from North to South and from East to West. Now, I almost know all part of Jakarta. And then I move to Bandung since 2007, I do the same thing. Maybe that’s my habit to visit every place. I knew more about Bandung. And I’m in love with Bandung City.

My parent always worry me but they give me full believe to take care of myself. I feel freedom wherever I go and keep my parent’s believe. I just prove that I’m ok, and keep contact with them..

Now, I’m in Pare. It has a lot of places to be explored, I don’t want to waste my time here to be just going nowhere. Last Saturday, I went to Kensu, it is a place where is the young people in Pare spend their time with friends while looking the beautiful view  that aim to rice fields. So wonderful.. Kensu is short from Ketan Susu, it’s near from The Daffodils. Kensu can be called traditional food from Pare. Its taste is not too good, because I don’t like ketan. Hehe.

Last Sunday, I went to Selecta and Jawa Timur Park in Batu City, also Malang Town Square in Malang. I went to holiday with Mr. Bob camp for girls. Me, Ajeng, Eni, Diaz, Tika, Monica, Elma, Devi, Devia,  Ezan, and Abdi. Honestly I did not feel enjoy there, because I should pay so much money to follow them. It just waste my money without get a lot of fun. I think it’s better for me to follow the boys of Mr. Bob camp to Bromo Mountain. I love nature travelling than go to mall. But so far, I cherish my friends. Take a positive side, I knew Jatim Park right now eventho not enter because the price is so expensive for me. Hahaha.

My Daily Activities in Pare

This is my daily activities in Pare.. So full from Monday until Friday and the  programs start from 5.30 am until 8.00 pm everyday. Honestly I’m tired but take it easy, right?

04.00 – 04.30
Get up, take a pray, and take a bath.
04.30 – 05.30
Clean up the bedroom, wash the clothes, or clean up the bathroom (every Tuesday morning)
05.30 – 06.30
Camp Program
06.30 – 07.00
Preparing to go to Global English + Breakfast
07.00 – 10.00
2 IELTS programs at Global English
10.00 – 13.00
FREE (back to camp to sleep, read, take a pray, lunch and so on)
13.00 – 16.00
2 IELTS programs at Global English, Take a pray.
16.00 – 17.30
Speak Up program at Mr. /Bob
17.30 – 19.00
Back to camp, take a bath, take a pray, write on camp diary.
19.00 – 20.30
Camp Program
20.30 – 04.00
FREE (dinner, chit chat, take a rest, and sleep)

Although learning long hours, I manage to find time for relaxation. Almost every free time, I use to sleep. My friends said that I’m PELOR aka. nemPEL molOR. :)) I don’t know what I suppose to do, I’m so bored to learn english at camp. Just lay my body down and then slept. HIDUP PELOR!!! ^,^

Sunday 9 December 2012

Pare Trip Part 1

8 Desember 2012, waktu terasa begitu cepat. Ini adalah hari keberangkatanku ke Kediri. Tiket sudah di tangan sejak dua hari yang lalu. Eksekutif 2 No. Seat 3D  dengan jadwal pemberangkatan pukul 15.30 dan tiba di Stasiun Kediri 9 Desember 2012 pukul 03.30 dini hari.

Pagi itu temanku Chika menawarkan diri untuk mengantar ke Stasiun Bandung, dan kita sepakat untuk pergi setelah dzuhur. Jam di layar hp ku sudah menunjukkan pukul 14.00 namun Chika belum juga datang menjemputku. Rasa panik, dag dig dug takut ketinggalan kereta pun menggelayuti pikiranku. Bandung siang itu hujan deras sekali dan beberapa teman mengabarkan bahwa telah terjadi badai. Aku sempat berfikir untuk menelpon taxi bahkan ojeg, namun akhirnya Chika meyakinkan bahwa aku tidak akan telat. Aku pun mencoba menenangkan pikiran, meyakinkan diri ini bahwa kereta tidak akan meninggalkannku. -.-“

Tepat pukul 15.00 Chika sudah tiba di kostanku. Dia menyetir sesuai julukan yang aku berikan ‘sopir metromini’. Dago sehabis hujan sudah pasti macet, sepanjang jalan aku komat kamit semoga aku tidak tertinggal kereta. Aku pasrah dan mencoba menenangkan diri dengan bercanda. 15.15 tiba di Stasiun Kereta Api Bandung. Chika, thanks for driving me in time, she knew an alternative road. Hehe. I love youuu! :*

Aku dan Chika berjalan ke arah pintu masuk dengan membawa sebuah koper dan tas ransel. Kita berpisah di pintu pengecekan karcis dan aku meninggalkan Chika yang melihatku berlalu memasuki jalur 6. Kereta sudah siap berangkat, petugas menanyai no.seat ku dan aku diantarnya ke tempat duduk. Alhamdulillaaaah.. Aku bisa bernafas lega sekarang, sebelahku duduk seorang nenek yang akan pergi ke Blitar. Kereta Malabar siap membawa kami.

Rupanya terjadi keterlambatan, pukul 15.45 kereta baru berangkat. Tak lama kemudian datang seorang pramugari kereta yang menawarkan makanan. Yah, aku langsung memesan nasi sapi lada hitam. Sejak pagi aku belum makan dan rencana makan di KFC sebelum ke stasiun batal karena waktunya mepet.

Sepanjang perjalanan aku hanya memandangi layar hp ku dan  sesekali ngobrol dengan si nenek yang ada di sebelahku. Aku tidak biasa tidur cepat, walaupun di kereta terlihat orang-orang sudah tertidur dengan nyenyak, aku masih saja tidak bisa tidur. Tapi akhirnya aku tertidur juga setelah hp aku simpan untuk recharge. Pukul 2 pagi aku terbangun gegara suara gaduh, ternyata ada yang turun di Stasiun Jogjakarta, aku pun melanjutkan tidur dan bangun lagi pukul 3.30, ibu di sebelah sudah bangun duluan, dan petugas memberi tahu bahwa Stasiun Kediri sebentar lagi. Akupun melepaskan selimut yang menghangatkanku dari AC kereta dan menurunkan koper, bersiap-siap untuk turun.

Tepat pukul 4.30 kereta berhenti di Stasiun Kediri. Aku yang tidak tahu harus kemana, melihat pemandangan sekitar yang mulai menyepi karena orang-orang sudah berlalu meninggalkan Stasiun. Aku menuju mushola dan mengambil air wudlu. Ketika aku masuk mushola, seorang wanita sebayaku memanggil namaku dan menanyai tujuanku. Aku yang tak ingat siapa dia, merasa bahagia bertemu orang yang mengenaliku. Kulihat tas nya ada lambang UPI, semakin bahagianya diriku. Dia mencoba mengingatkanku, namanya Fitri, dulu kita satu SMA, namun saya tetap saja tidak ingat siapa dia. Maaf Fitri. J

Fitri mengenalkanku kepada Suma, alumni UPI juga angkatan 2006. Seorang laki-laki yang menjadi imam pada shalat subuh tadi. Kami juga bertemu Haki dan Fira, kaka beradik yang juga akan menuju Pare. Wow, berangkat dari bandung sendirian tapi sesampainya di Stasiun Kediri ternyata bertemu orang-orang yang bertujuan sama. Akhirnya kami sepakat untuk bersama-sama menuju Pare.

Akhirnya kami sampai di Kampung Inggris Pare dengan menaiki sebuah mini bus bernama Puspa sari jurusan Malang dan mengeluarkan ongkos Rp 5.000 saja. Bersambung...